Give the Gift of Life:
Become an Egg Donor

Make parenthood possible for deserving individuals and couples — and receive generous compensation — with Beverly Hills Egg Donation, an Arizona Corporation.

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Welcome to Beverly Hills Egg Donation, an Arizona Corporation!

We work with leading fertility clinics in Arizona, Southern California, and throughout the United States. Our egg donors come to us from across the country for our caring, supportive approach to the egg donation process. You can be assured that you’ll be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion. Our commitment to providing our egg donors with a positive and nurturing experience is what sets us apart, and it’s at the heart of what we do.


Apply to Become a Beverly Hills Egg Donation, Arizona Donor. Click the Sign Up button to get started.

alt Why Should I Donate My Eggs?

Why Should I Donate My Eggs?

There are thousands of people searching for an egg donor like you who will give them hope. Your donation of eggs will give someone who is experiencing infertility the opportunity to experience the joy of parenthood. We work with individuals and couples who are starting their families or expanding their families, both in the US and worldwide. We involved with parenting organizations within the LGBTQ+ community.

In addition to the personal satisfaction you’ll get from helping create a family, you will receive generous compensation for your time and commitment. Pay off student loans, travel the world, save for your future, or invest your donor payment.

All of your expenses are paid by the recipients, including travel fees when applicable.
There is absolutely no cost to you.

Donor Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Compensation?

Beverly Hills Egg Donation, Arizona donors receive $10,000 for their first donation. For subsequent cycles, donors receive $12,000. Special fees may be offered to egg donors who meet extraordinary standards.

Q: Who Can Be an Egg Donor?

We look for nonsmoking women ages 20-29 with no major genetic/hereditary illnesses. Our donors are currently attending or have graduated from college, lead a healthy lifestyle, and are genuinely committed to the egg donation process.

Q: If I am accepted into the Beverly Hills Egg Donation, Arizona program, how long will it take for me to be matched with a recipient?

Because choosing an egg donor is an extremely personal and emotional decision, the time it takes for a donor to be matched with the right family varies. It can happen immediately, or it may take a month or longer.

Q: Will the Recipients Know Who I Am?

Many recipients — also called intended parents — hope to give their donor-conceived child the option of meeting the donor when s/he reaches the age of 18, so being open to that is generally preferred. Some recipients request a brief Zoom with their prospective donor (without exchanging last names or contact information), while others ask to see a short video of the donor to get a sense of her personality and mannerisms. We strongly encourage (but do not require) our donors to participate in these calls and make these videos to facilitate the matching process.

In some cases, both recipient and donor want to have an “open donation” and exchange names and contact information, while in other situations, all parties agree on an anonymous cycle. We are happy to speak with you about your options and what feels right for you.

Q: Once I’m Matched, How Long Will the Cycle Take?

From the day you accept the match until the eggs are retrieved, cycles generally take 3-4 months. If you have donated eggs before, the cycle may be completed more quickly.

Q: Will I Have to Travel for My Donation?

If you decide to accept a match with a recipient whose clinic is out of your local area, you will be required to travel. All of your travel expenses will be taken care of. Some of your appointments can usually be done at a doctor's office near you. You will likely need to be near the clinic where the retrieval is taking place for a week to 10 days. If you accept a travel match, Beverly Hills Egg Donation, Arizona will make your arrangements, and you will be allowed to bring a companion with you at no cost to you.

Q: How Do I Apply to be a Beverly Hills Egg Donation, Arizona Donor?

The application process begins with our online prescreen questionnaire that helps us determine if you are a potential candidate for egg donation. If you meet our initial criteria, you will be notified that you can proceed to our full application, where you will complete your personal profile.

Once completed, your application will be reviewed by Beverly Hills Egg Donation, Arizona staff. Should you meet all our program requirements, you will be invited to a Zoom interview.

If you are accepted into our egg donation program, your profile will become accessible to our registered recipients. The recipients will NOT see your contact information (last name, address, etc).

Ready to Apply?

Still have questions?

We’re here to provide any information you need about our program and how you can help give an incredible gift to a deserving individual or couple. Please contact Samantha at or call (310) 963-6774.

SED has been such a rewarding experience for me. Everyone that I’ve worked with has been amazing, always caring for me as well as the intended parents.


One of the highlights of my egg donation process came in the form of a note I received from one of my recipients. She thanked me for giving her a family, and that feeling will stick with me for the rest of my life. My experience with SED was overwhelmingly positive and I am incredibly happy that I found them.



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Fertility Clinics We Have Worked with in 2017


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Traditional Cycle

In a traditional cycle, one recipient is matched with one donor for one cycle. If a successful pregnancy is not achieved and all normal embryos have been used, the recipient is eligible for a second cycle with no agency fee.

Shared Cycle

In a shared cycle, two or more recipients will share eggs from one cycle with one donor at one clinic. Each recipient pays an agency fee and legal fees. Shared expenses include donor fee, donor insurance, and donor travel (if applicable). Medical expenses are determined by the clinic. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy unless specifically outlined in the agency agreement.

Frozen Eggs

We work with some clinics that offer frozen eggs. The donor choices are limited. If you are interested in frozen eggs, please contact us. This option is not subject to our free rematch policy.